I must say that I consume a lot of video in my research for the work that I do. Video is great. Video is good. But…at the same time… video can be very annoying.
You see, I am one of those people who has the ability to read rapidly with great retention about what I’m reading. As a result of this, I can get through text on a subject much more quickly than I can sit down and watch a video about that same subject. So as a matter of preference, and in an effort to get the information I need as quickly as possible, I prefer to read than to watch.
Now, this is not a plea for people to stop using video on their blogposts, tweeting videos, posting video on Facebook, or broadcasting video on the literally hundreds of video distribution sites out there. Video is a must to be noticed online today! But don’t forget about the other guy, the guy like me who would rather read content than view it.
So, what can you do to make room for us avid readers out there? If you put out an instructional video, have it transcribed so that you can offer options on your web page or blog post. Trust me, it would be greatly appreciated.
And think like a fisherman. Offering the “text option” is just another hook out in the internet waters to snag those people who are sincerely interested in your product or service, but would rather scroll through text than “push play.”
What do you prefer? Text or video? Leave a comment, and let us know what your preference is…
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